- Ph.D., University of Alabama, Education
- MA, Eastern Kentucky University, Special Education
- BA, National Chenchi University
- 2007-2009: President, University of the West
- 2003-2007: Provost and Senior VP for Academic Affairs, University of Northern Colorado (UNC)
- 1999-2003: Associate VP for Research and Dean of Graduate School, UNC
- 1997-1999: Dean, College of Education, UNC
- 1995-2007: Executive Director, Bresnahan and Halstead Endowment, UNC
- 1978-2007: Assistant, Associate, Chair and Professor of Special Education Division, UNC
- 1972-1975: Head Teacher, Madison County School of Hope
- 1966-1970: Teacher, Taipei Kuting Jr. Highschool
- 2009-present: President of Global Higher Education Consulting Group. In this position, Dr. Huang supports innovative multicultural education ventures for clients, including Beifang Education Group, China
- 200-present: Advisor, Beifang Group, China