Rodger Broome, Ph.D., Psychotherapist

Rodger Broome, Ph.D., Psychotherapist



  • Ph.D. Psychology (Clinical Specialization) – Saybrook University
  • M.A. Psychology – Saybrook University
  • B.S. Behavioral Science – Psychology Emphasis Utah Valley University

Educational Research:

  • Ph.D. Psychology Dissertation: The Phenomenological Psychology of Police Deadly Force.
  • M.A. Psychology Thesis: Phenomenological Psychology of Police Deadly Force Training.

Licensures & Certifications:

Psychotherapist, State of Colorado
Certified Critical Incident Management Team Mental Health, State of Utah

Research & Training Interests:

Existential Phenomenological Research, Existential Psychology, Consciousness & Spirituality, Hermeneutics, Narrative Inquiry, Sport Performance Psychology

  •  Broomé, R. (2022) Review of Katarzyna Peoples (2021). How to Write a Phenomenological Dissertation: A Step-By- Step Guide. Sage. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, X(X),  pp-pp.
  • E.J. Russell, R.E. Broomé, & J. L. Russell, (2020). Illuminating Firefighter Awareness Within a Dangerous Lived Experience: A Single Case Study. International Public Safety Association Journal, 5(1), 43-65.
  • B.J. Castle, E.J. Russell, & R. E. Broomé, (2020). The Nature of Disciplinary Processes in Police Organizations: The Disciplinary Continuum. International Public Safety Association Journal, 5(1), 68-106.
  • Russell, E., Russell, J., Lindquist, C., Broomé, R., & McCarthy, K. (2020). The Influence of a Homeland Security Course: A Single Case Study. International Journal of Instruction, 13(2), 315-328.
  • R. Broomé & E. Russell. (2019). What It Is Like to Survive a Building Collapse as a Firefighter:  A Phenomenological Psychological Inquiry. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 50(2),225-248.
  • R. Broomé (2019). Book Review of  DeRobertis’ – The Phenomenology of Learning and Becoming. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 50(2), 249–272.
  • B. Castle, R. Broomé & E. Russell, (2019). Police Administration and Ineffective Civilian Oversight: A Grounded Theory. Journal of Humanistic Psychology,https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0022167819854605
  • E. Russell, R. Broomé & J. Russell. (2018). Servant Leadership and the Wellbeing of Police Officers: A Case Study. Servant Leadership: Theory & Practice. 5 (2), 73-92.
  • R. Broomé, (2018). Book Review: Transformation Beyond Greed: Native Self- Actualization. Humanistic Psychologist, 45(4), 397-407.
  • Russell, E., Russell, J., & Broomé, R. (2018). Surveying the experience of servant leadership within the fire and emergency services.  Servant Leadership: Theory & Practice, 5(1), 49-68.
  • Broomé, R. (2017). Ch. 4: Humanity’s Search for Meaning in Existence: A Taoist Epistemology. In M. Yang (Ed.). Existential psychology and the way of the Tao: Meditations on the writings of Zhuangzi. Routledge.
  • E. Russell with R. Broomé. (2017). Forward In Command of Guardians: Executive Servant Leadership for the Community of Responders,  Springer.
  • E. Russell with R. Broomé. (2017). Ch. 3: Bureaucracy within the Emergency Services. In Command of Guardians: Executive Servant Leadership for the Community of Responders,  Springer.
  • E. Russell with R. Broomé. (2017). Appendix: Discovering the Servant in Fire and Emergency Services Leaders. In Command of Guardians: Executive Servant Leadership for the Community of Responders, Springer.
  • R. Broomé, (2016). Book Review: Phenomenology: An Introduction.  Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 47(1),
  • R. Broome. (2016). Les Collectifs du CIRP: Vol. 1. The Redirection of Psychology: Essays in Honor of Amedeo P. Giorgi. T.F. Cloonan and C. Thiboutot (Eds.), Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Interdisciplinary Circle of Phenomenological Research, University of Quebec at Montreal, 2014, 408 pp.
  • R. Bargdill & R. Broomé, (eds.). (2015). Humanistic Psychology 101: Growth, Choice & Responsibility: A Supplement for General Psychology Textbooks, University Professors Press.
  • E. Russell, R. Broomé, R. Prince, (2015). Discovering the Servant in Fire and Emergency Services Leaders: A Grounded Theory, Servant Leadership: Theory & Practice, 2(2), 57-75.
  • R. Broomé, & T. Tabata. (2015). The Lived-Experience of Police Vehicle Pursuit: A Descriptive Phenomenological Psychological Inquiry.  Phenomenology of Learning and Teaching, 16(1),63-84. (Japanese Language Publication).
  • J. Maxfield, R. Broomé & J. Fisher (2015). Leadership LEAP: A New approach for homeland security. In A. Siedschlag (Ed.). Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Homeland and Civil Security: A Research- Based Introduction.  New York: Peter Lang.
  • R. Broomé (2015). The Husserl Dictionary: A Book Review. The Humanistic Psychologist, X(x), pp-pp.
  • R. Broomé, J. Told & Z. Lyman. (2014). Mind-Body Integrated Fire Training: Personal Protective Equipment, International Fire Service Journal of Leadership and Management, 8(1),59-66.
  • R. Broome. (2014). Book Review: Policing and the poetics of everyday life, Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 45(1), 102-107.
  • R. Broome. (2013). The lived-experience of leading a successful police vehicle pursuit: a descriptive phenomenological
    psychological inquiry, Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 44(2), 220-243.
  • R. Broome. (2013). A Phenomenological Psychological Study of The Police Officer’s Lived-Experience Of The Use Of Deadly Force,  Journal of Humanistic Psychology.
  • R. Broome. (2011). An Empathetic Psychological Perspective of Police Force Training, Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 42(2), 137-156.

More faculty members:

Dorote Weyers-Lucci, Ph.D.Faculty: Bachelor's Completion, Global College, Master of Business Administration

Simone M. DiMatteo, Ph.D.MBA Program Chair and Core Faculty

Jennifer M. Crane, LMFTProgram Chair

Michelle M. Daly, PhD, LPCC, ATR, IMH-EProfessor

Jeng-Dau James Wu, DBAProfessor: MA of Business Administration

Robert Wood, PhD.Sofia Core Faculty, Chair-Transpersonal Studies

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Rodger Broome, Ph.D., Psychotherapist

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