Sofia University aspires to be a globally conscious leader in transformative education and, thus, to empower students with intellectual growth, ethical reasoning, and the development of emotional intelligence.
Sofia University is a passionate, dynamic learning community that fosters multiple ways of knowing. We are dedicated to academic excellence with a shared commitment to authenticity, inclusivity, cultural humility, ecological stewardship, and service to others. Our curricula focus in six areas of inquiry: the intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical, social and creative aspects of life.
Strategic Plan
The strategic plan provides Sofia University with a five-year roadmap for academic infrastructure and technology, student services, enrollment management, financial health, and the fulfillment of the goal of “One university: Two Campuses.” To read the full executive summary, click the link below.
Institutional Learning Outcomes (I.L.O.)
We believe in a uniform approach to higher education that not only seeks to educate and transform but also prepare students for real-world applications in their future careers in the field. Because of this, all programs at Sofia University fulfill the following Goals and Learning Objectives:
Goal I: Transformation (person-centered):
- Outcome A: Describe and reflect upon their personal transformation in the context of a curriculum focused on whole-person development and ethical reasoning.
- Objective B: Apply transpersonal principles to their life and work, individually and in the community.
Goal II: Integration (learning-centered):
- Objective A: Incorporate multiple domains of knowing, learning, and being throughout their lives.
- Objective B: Communicate authentically and effectively in adherence to conventions for scholarly research, audience engagement, achievement of goals, and personal reflection.
Goal III: Application (praxis-centered):
- Objective A: Contribute ethically and with insight to the flourishing of society and the natural environment.
- Objective B: Employ rigorous and innovative modes of inquiry to design and implement transformative solutions to professional and societal challenges.

Non-Discrimination Policy
Sofia University offers admission to students of any race, sexual orientation, gender expression, national and ethnic origin. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, sexual orientation, gender expression, or national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship, loan programs, and other school-administered programs.