Sofia Alumni

Sofia Alumni

About Our Alumni

Our network of alumni continues to integrate transpersonal values into their work, their community, and their lives. Thank you to all of our past, present, and future Alumni. Without you, we would not be where we are.

Sofia University is one of the first transpersonal universities in California, founded by Robert Frager, PhD, in 1975. We continue to be a leader in transformative education by providing access to rigorous education based on transpersonal teachings and we’re dedicated to bringing our unique perspective to contemporary challenges, giving our students the tools to make a difference in their lives, careers, and communities.

Center for Innovation

The Center will support faculty, staff, students, and alumni with innovative approaches to becoming engaged leaders and learners while nurturing a community of practice in transpersonal studies. Check out our CITL page to learn more!

2025 Sofia Alumni Awards

We are happy to announce that we will be seeking nominations from students, staff, faculty, and alumni members of the Sofia Community to nominate distinguished and outstanding alumni to be the recipient of these awards.

Sofia Alumni Ambassador Association (SAAA)

Learn more about our Sofia Alumni Ambassador Association and what it has to offer!

Sofia Stories

Check out our newest series exploring what our students are doing during their journey with us and beyond.

The Alumni Referral Program

Whether you’re interested in continuing your education with us or you have family members in mind that you think would like to join our transpersonal community, we look forward to growing and thriving as one.

Sofia U News

See all of the amazing things our Alumni are doing in their community!


Here’s what our alumni and current students are saying about their time at Sofia.

Sofia U Blog

Our network of faculty, students, and alumni work to extend the values of transformative, transpersonal ideology gained at Sofia to the greater community.

Adam A. Neal M.A. AMFT/APCC

Alumnus, MA in Counseling Psychology, Class of 2018

“The transpersonal ideology at Sofia gave me the space to recognize not only my desire to work clinically with others but also my calling to serve others in ways that are not ordinarily expressed in words in mainstream practice.”

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Sofia Alumni

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