Dr. Dulo has extensive experience in the field of aerospace software safety engineering and aviation cybersecurity and is an expert in drone systems engineering and drone/ aviation law. She retired from the Department of Defense as a computer scientist and mathematician with 34 years of combined active duty and civilian service. She writes extensively in the area of Aviation and Drone Law for the American Bar Association and wrote the seminal Drone Law book for the ABA which continues to be an authoritative legal reference.
Graduate Education
PhD Naval Postgraduate School/Liberty University: Software Engineering (2018)
JD Monterey College of Law, Specialty: Aviation and Cyber Security Law (2011)
MAS Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Aeronautics & Aerospace Safety Systems (2013)
MS US Naval Postgraduate School, Computer Science (2012)
MA US Naval War College, National Security and Strategic Studies (2004)
MBA City University of Seattle, Technology/Engineering Management (2005)
MS University of Phoenix, Computer Information Systems (2003)
Graduate Diploma US Naval College of Naval Command and Staff (2003)
Graduate Diploma US Marine Corps Command and Staff College (2010)
Graduate Diploma US Air Force Air Command and Staff College (2024)
Undergraduate Education
BS US Coast Guard Academy/ Excelsior University (1993)
Diploma Defense Language Institute, Modern Standard/Egyptian Arabic (1993)
Professional Education
The Stanford University Computer Security Certificate, Stanford University (2005)
The Advanced Software Engineering Certificate, Air Force Institute of Technology (2005)
The Software Lifecycle Development Certificate, Air Force Institute of Technology (2006)
The Software Engineering Management Certificate, Air Force Institute of Technology (2006)
Diploma, Paralegal Studies, Blackstone School of Law (1995)
Current Position
Program Chair, Computer Science. Sofia University 2017 to Present
Previous Position
Director of Advanced Computational Technology, Sofia University. 2014 – 2017
Research Interests
- Cyber Security
- Artificial Intelligence
- Software Safety
- Aviation Safety
- Aviation Law
Dulo, D. (August 2015). Unmanned Aircraft in the National Airspace: Critical Issues, Technology and the Law. American Bar Association. Chicago. This book is a top selling technology book for ABA Publishing.
Dulo, D. (2007). The .NET 2.0 Windows Programming Mega-Guide in C# and Visual Basic. Prep Logic Corporation, Tampa.
Professional Publications/Panels/Appearances
Dulo, D. (April 2021) Panel Member. Convergex Global Congress. 2021. Topic: Robots Accelerating Industry across Global Sectors. https://www.convergx.co/conferences/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6Phc54Qx0E
Dulo, D. (Jan 2021) Panel Member. Convergex Panel at CES 2021. Topic: Robots and Commerce. https://www.ces.tech/Topics/Robotics-Machine-Intelligence/Robotics.aspx
Dulo, D. (May 2017). Faculty Member. Above the Cloud: Drones and the Internet of Things. American Bar Association Second National Institute on the Internet of Things, Washington, DC. https://shop.americanbar.org/ebus/ABAEventsCalendar/EventDetails.aspx?productId=266896329
Dulo, D. et al. (December 7, 2016). Faculty Member and Presenter. US Drone Law: Status, Future Direction. American Bar Association Continuing Legal Education Webinar. https://shop.americanbar.org/eBus/Store/ProductDetails.aspx?productId=258876723&term=dulo
Dulo, D. (November 6, 2016). Speaker. Unmanned Aerial Systems Law, Policy, and Technology: Implications for Integration into the U.S. National Airspace. US Naval Postgraduate School Knox Talk Series, Monterey, CA.
Dulo, D. (October 13, 2016). Keynote Speaker. Drones in the National Airspace: Emerging Law, Policy, and Implications for Safe & Secure National Airspace Integration. Annual Joint Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Bar Association. Washington, DC.
Dulo, D. (October 12-13, 2016). Featured Speaker/Consultant. Nanotechnology & Weapons of Mass Destruction: “10-9 Warfare”. Emergence and Convergence Workshop. National Defense University Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction. http://wmdcenter.ndu.edu/Media/News/News-View/Article/1181150/peril-and-promise-emerging-technologies-and-wmd/
Dulo, D. (August 2016). Panel Member/Speaker. Drone Law: Emerging Issues. American Bar Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Dulo, D. (July 2016). Featured Speaker. Nano Technology and the Military: National Threat or National Security? The Ninth Workshop on the Social Implications of National Security (SINS16), University of Wollongong, Australia. July 6, 2016. http://www.katinamichael.com/sins16/2016/7/9/nanotech-and-the-military-national-threat-or-national-security
Dulo, D. (May 2016). Featured Speaker. Drones: Emerging Law, Policy, and Implications for Safe & Secure National Airspace Integration. National Association for Appellate Staff Attorneys Annual Conference, May 2016. Austin, TX.
Dulo, D. and Ravich, T. (March 2016). Is It Time to Tighten Drone Regulations? Costco Magazine. http://www.costcoconnection.com/connection/201603/u1=issues?pg=29#pg29
Dulo, D. (2016). International Law and Unmanned Aircraft. In The International Law Year in Review 2015, Vol. 50. Chicago: American Bar Association.
Dulo, D. et al. (December 1, 2015). Faculty Member and Presenter. Understanding Drone Privacy Law Concerning Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. American Bar Association Continuing Legal Education Webinar. http://shop.americanbar.org/ebus/ABAEventsCalendar/EventDetails.aspx?productId=225609441&term=drones
Alp, P., Dulo, D., Voss, G. (Sept. 2015). International Law and Unmanned Aircraft. In The International Law Year in Review 2014, Vol. 49. Chicago: American Bar Association.
Dulo, D. (Sept. 12, 2015). Featured Guest. Wagner & Winick on the Law Radio Show, KSCO 1080. The Business Use of Drones. http://www.wagnerandwinick.com/listen.html
Dulo, D. (Sept. 2015). Unmanned Aircraft: The Rising Risk of Hostile Takeover. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine. http://ieeessit.org/technology_and_society/
Dulo, D. (Sept. 2015). Speaker representing the FAA. Unmanned Aerial Systems: Know Before You Fly! Wings Over Watsonville Airshow. Watsonville, CA.
Dulo, D. (August 2015). Panel Member/Speaker. Drones Incoming! Are you Ready for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles? American Bar Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. http://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2015/08/drone_regulationsde.html
Dulo, D. (Summer 2015). Unmanned Aircraft Classifications: The Foundation for UAS Regulations in the National Airspace. The SciTech Lawyer, Vol. 11, No. 4. American Bar Association. http://www.americanbar.org/publications/scitech_lawyer/2015/summer/unmanned_aircraft_classifications_foundation_uas_regulations_the_national_airspace.html
Dulo, D. (July 2015). Featured Speaker. Unmanned Aircraft: Law, and Policy Implications for Integration into the National Airspace. National Association of Appellate Court Attorneys Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. http://www.naacaonline.org/documents/2015NAACAConferenceBrochure.pdf
Dulo, D. (June 2015). Drones and the Media: First and Fourth Amendment Issues in a Technological Framework. Journal of International Entertainment and Media Law, Vol. 5 No. 2. American Bar Association. http://www.swlaw.edu/pdfs/jimel/5_2dulo
Dulo, D. (May 2015). Panel Member/Speaker. Security & Information Assurance of Unmanned Aircraft: Law, Policy and Business Implications. Law and Society Association Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. http://www.lawandsociety.org/Seattle2015/seattle2015.html
Dulo, D. (May 27, 2015). Software or the Borg: A Starship’s Greatest Threat? Discovery News and Space.com https://www.space.com/29509-software-borg-starship-greatest-threat.html
Dulo, D. (March 2015). Featured Speaker. Unmanned Aerial Insecurity: The Liability, Security, and Policy Issues of Hostile Third Party Takeovers of Unmanned Aerial Systems. Cyber West: The Southwest Cyber Security Summit. Association for Enterprise Information. Phoenix, AZ. http://www.afei.org/PE/5A06/Pages/Thur.aspx.
Dulo, D. (January 2015). Featured Speaker. Unmanned Insecurity: The Safety and Privacy Issues of Unmanned Aircraft Information Assurance. Aviation / Aeronautics / Aerospace International Research Conference (A3IR Con). Phoenix, AZ. http://commons.erau.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1170&context=aircon.
Dulo, D. (November 2014). Workshop Developer and Speaker. Safety and Resilience in Long Term Spacecraft Missions. Tennessee Valley Interstellar Workshop Conference, Knoxville, TN. November 8-12, 2014. 2 Day Presentation and Workshop. https://www.tviw.us/event/tviw-2014/abbreviated-agenda
Dulo, D. (July 2014). Tracking Satellites: An Observational Astronomer’s Guide. Monterey Institute for Research in Astronomy. Summer 2014. http://www.mira.org/newsletr/NL_summer14web.pdf
Dulo, D. (June 2014). Unmanned Aircraft in the National Airspace: Aerial Goldmine or Legal Landmine? AUVSI Unmanned Systems Magazine. http://www.auvsi.org/magazines-library
Dulo, D. (April 2014). Resilience Engineering in Critical Long Term Aerospace Software Systems: A New Approach to Spacecraft Software Safety. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Vol. 67. http://www.jbis.org.uk/paper.php?p=2014.67.150
Dulo, D. (April 6, 2014). Keeping Robots in Line with the Law. Interview on NPR. http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2014/04/06/299889188/keeping-robots-in-line-with-the-law
Beyer, D., Dulo, D., Townsley, G. & Wu, S. (April 2014). Risk, Product Liability Trends, Triggers and Insurance in Commercial Aerial Robots. 2014 We Robot Conference, University of Miami School of Law. http://robots.law.miami.edu/2014/david-k-breyer-donna-a-dulo-gale-a-townsley-and-stephen-s-wu-on-risk-product-liability-trends-triggers-and-insurance-in-commercial-aerial-robots/
Cloar, C. & Dulo, D. (April 2014). Considerations of a Legal Framework for the Safe and Resilient Operation of Commercial Aerial Robots. 2014 We Robot Conference, University of Miami School of Law. http://robots.law.miami.edu/2014/cameron-r-cloar-and-donna-a-dulo-on-a-legal-framework-for-the-safe-and-resilient-operation-of-autonomous-aerial-robots/
Dulo, D. (April 4, 2014). Panel Member, Panel on Domestic Drones. 2014 We Robot Conference, University of Miami School of Law. http://www.law.miami.edu/webcast/video.php?location=depatments&stream=20140404_WeRobot_Part10.mp4&width=480&height=270&page=
Dulo, D. (March 5, 2014). Featured Podcast on Drone Security. Slate.com, hosted by New Frontier Foundation. http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2014/03/05/drone_u_donna_dulo_of_defense_department_discusses_uav_hacking.html
Dulo, D. (February 7, 2014). Panel Member, The First Amendment and the Media with the Use of Drones. Southwestern University School of Law. http://www.swlaw.edu/pdfs/institute/drone_brochure.pdf
Dulo, D. (Sept. 22, 2013). Unmanned Insecurity: Issues with Drone Security. Presentation to the American Bar Association Science and Technology Committee. http://www.meetup.com/Information-Security-and-the-Law/events/139867492/
Dulo, D. (August 22, 2013). Chair. Panel on Politics, Economics, and Ethics. Icarus Interstellar Starship Congress. Dallas, TX. http://www.icarusinterstellar.org/congress-schedule/
Dulo, D. (August 8, 2013). Panel Member. Domestic Drones. American Bar Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. http://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2013/08/experts_weigh_privac.html
Kim, J. Cloar, C., Lee, C., & Dulo, D. (Spring 2013). Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Mobility on the Edge. The SciTech Lawyer, Vol. 9, No. 3. American Bar Association. Chicago.